Friday, July 10, 2015

Pure as Mother's Love #FirstLove

A child or an infant precisely, is your own best foot forward that is a huge description to the world, and how one does cheer those little feet as they strike out is the real essence and the beauty that it owes is splendid and is beyond the scope of amazement and aspiration of human emotions being happiness, joy, relinquishing birth and lot of other sentiments which travel far from the roots of the spring. It is where one examines every turn of the flesh for precocity, so as to crow it to the world. And the last one is that the baby who trails its scent like a flag of surrender through the parents' life, it is then the realisation of the toughness prevails, when there will be no more coming after, there it is, that is love by a different name, a name to the new being in the world, and rendering it the forms of human emotions.
“A mother does not become pregnant in order to provide employment to medical people. Giving birth is an ecstatic jubilant adventure not available to males. It is a woman's crowning creative experience of a lifetime.” 
How beautifully the above statement has been carved by John Steveson that would bring a pure delight and joys to the motherhood, and nurturing the babies with the best of the available products that use the natural products like the almonds and olives being used in the DABUR BABY MASSAGE OIL serves as a pure icing on the cake which takes away all the credits of the growing up the tiny- tot and brings smiles to everyone around with the emission of the bright radiations of life, love, and hope from the child.
The benefits of the natural oils being plenty in nature, the major ones' of the dabur baby massage oil are that it is chemicals free i.e it contains no harmful chemicals such as paraffins which are not good for the infants. Another one on the list is that it provides adequate amount of moisture and nourishment to the growing baby which works wonders in the development of the bones and muscles of the child and also, aiding largely in the improvisation of the texture and tone of the skin. The best point that runs straight into the favour of dabur baby massage (natural) oil is that it is dermatologically tested and is safe for the use. 
Who would mind using something as pure as mother's love on their proof of existence? 
“I am participating in the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda in association withDabur.

Healthy lifestyle!

A balanced diet is very essential for us we human beings in our daily lives and it is important that we take proper care of our diet patterns and daily schedule. Health aspects should not be ignored and proper measures should be taken so as to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
A balanced and healthy diet plays an important role in our life and should be given high priority because of the several purposes it serves in our life. It is important not to ignore this valuable aspect of life where we often tend to neglect the essence of the healthy balanced diet in our daily schedule due to the work schedules which often keep us busy. Along with the hectic schedule, it should be noted into our minds that health is that important aspect of life which if ignored takes the revenge in the manner of ailments, uneasiness, discomfort, diseases, and in several other ways possible.
Crash diet is an emergency queen and should not be given much importance as lots of nutritional compromises are made into it, ignoring lots of aspects. Such as few individuals give up on the carbohydrates and fats consumption so as to lose weight, which in real life is not a good idea. The weight loss should be done in a healthy manner with the following of a healthy diet pattern where all the nutrients are supplied to the body in a proper manner without making any sort of compromises. 
A healthy and a balanced diet contains all the essential nutrition required by the body. Proper care should be taken that the meals that we consume during the day are adequately balanced and comprise of all the essential intakes required for the fulfilment of nourishment of the body in the best possible manner. A healthy balanced diet keeps the body fresh and in a positive charm with high spirits and enthusiasm. It ensures the proper sync of mind, body and soul in a manner that takes due care of the leading of life.
Healthy diet has a lot of benefits like maintaining the blood pressure, osmotic pressure, keeping the vascular systems in the body well intact and in a proper functioning state. Also, the oxygen supply to all the body cells is done in an appropriate manner. A healthy diet intake should be the prime habit of an individual. It is something that determines the aura and personality of an individual. There is nothing else that serves to so much grace as a healthy diet in the lifestyle of an individual and thus, good amount of care must be taken in other to supply the body with proper amount of nutrition in the daily fooding patterns of our life. 
For more details about the product, click on:
For establishing connection to the site, click here: Honey Diet

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Binding Force! UC Browser

Everyone knows it now, intact the whole of the world is quite aware of the fact that Cricket is a force like no other in our country, India. It largely tempts us to skip a lot of important things like even the work schedules, planned meetings, postpone family get-togethers, bunk tuition, and sometimes even cancel a date, or sometimes even the most important of our chores and tasks. Eyes and ears both would be hooked to the screen, or the radio sets, or the transistors or anything that would make them associated with cricket at that particular point of time, nothing else really matters.Craze, courage, fear, fantasy, win… and the list goes on and on, of words that have found entry in the cricket lexicon. What do these words signify in their association with the world of cricket?
What we see is, it is a craze to grab the accessories and act like the players and see the match i full enthusiasm and forgetting all the other activities, whether they are important or not. The imitation of the favourite cricketers by the kids and youngsters, the admiration by the elders, food and eatables gathering different sort of attention, it is altogether a different scenario and story in the making whenever a match is played. The best is about the courage to postpone the significant meetings and other important activities when one knows the load of work pending can prove fatal if not delivered within time, also the fear of losing the match when six runs are required on the last ball is altogether a different kind of feeling which one does not want to avoid when one is out for the work or duty. It is there that UC Browser would play its large role and bring a smile to the helpless people who could not make the silliest possible excuses and find a way out to see the match. It is no more a fantasy of imagining oneself out of the reach of the match and not getting the right updates and to see the match at one's disposal with the ease and convenience. How can one miss the sight of skipping the meals and praying for the last match win that can balance the series.
What more can a cricket lover would ask for in life ? It is a widely accepted fact that Cricket is in our blood. What is said of we Indians is that we watch cricket for six months in a year and talk about it for the next six months. Have we ever cared enough or bothered so much about any other sport; Or have we ever given a thought to the fact of how we compel another person to take interest in every bit of information on the day of match from reporting pitch conditions to the presentation?  It does get better with UC Browser and it really sounds a promising concept.
It is truly a mania, a craze; and UC Browser would serve as the perfect icing on the cake.

For more details on UC Browser: Click on -

For downloading and establishing the connection to the browser, click on UC BROWSER :

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Children and the lessons of life!

Children are like the clay- pots and they can be shaped in any form. It is in the hands of the prime mentors i.e parents to look after and see if their chid is going in the right direction of learning and taking the things in a healthy and positive manner in life. It is important for parents to be observant in nature so as to find out if their child is taking up the right learnings in life, is being in the right company of people and doing his/her lessons properly, executing right kind of attitude towards others and life.

What is most important is that children should be encouraged with the right attitude and with positive energy so that they become inquisitive enough to find out the difference between what is right and what is wrong. It is essential to teach this art to children so that they take up the important and significant learnings in life with grace and embrace them in the long process. website holds a lot of important articles on the site and provides an amazing list of articles on healthy and bright upbringing of the kids in a optimistic manner which would make the things seem simpler and easier. The section on CHILD and YOU has been great enough to provide a good range of articles that would make parents closer to children and make them learn and grow in a positive environment. The link to the above section is:

The article that caught my attention the most is: "Tips for raising the positive thinkers"

The article says and talks about the art of upbringing the children in a positive environment making them to learn in a good manner the art of life and the essence to abide by the rules and regulations, and discipline in life which would make them better individuals in life and enable them to take the decisions.

The best thing about the article is that it talks about the various aspects of the nature and attitude of children in a precise, compact and rich manner which makes it even more worth- while, like talking of the problems, analysing and solving them to the best of the effort that a parent can, surrounding the children with right kind of people with positivity in the environment. Also, the importance of various emotions in life, to handle out on different occasions and to deal with different feelings of individuals and teaching kids to act in a proper and to make them to learn to act in a mature way is important. It is significant to envision the changes and teach the art of articulation and language to the kids in a proper manner which would make them acceptable.

“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

The importance of family living

There is something so beautifully quoted and said that "Family, friends and relationships are the blessings of the God. They are the best way to access God." This statement and line holds a lot of significance in all the instants of life whether an individual is at any stage in the life. The bond is such a thing that holds so much importance in our lives that it is something next to impossible to go on in our lives without the creation, building, nourishment and management of the bonds. Family, friends and relationships are better said as the best gifts of God and we must cherish it in the best possible ways and must embrace the blessings that have been bestowed upon we individuals in this great form of human bonds and attachments. 
The website holds lots of significant articles on its site's pages and one of the section I cherished reading is: Family Living, the link to which is -
The article that caught my attention were many and one I am going to discuss here is:
The articles lots of valuable points on how to strengthen the bonds in the family and to take care and look after the little needs of each person in the family. It is important that proper attention is paid to the actions of all the members, especially children for they are in their learning and nourishing phase.
The 10 valuable tips that have been mentioned are quite important for everyone of us to follow and take them down in our lives for they would make the life easy and worth living. It is important that everyone is valued in family by giving sufficient time to the essence of the relationship and bonds. 
Some of the important points like eating together and doing the chores together, strengthens the relationship of everyone in the family and thus should not be ignored. Also it says that it is important for parents to be supportive with the children as this would inculcate family values within them and they shall learn a lot from the seeing and practicing. 
Leisure time should be spent together and also the hobbies, activities and interests of everyone should be given importance and they should be carried in a healthy manner as this would lead to better personality development and nourishing of each and everyone in the family. Also, it is necessary to nucleate the values of volunteering and taking up responsibilities within the children and others in the family as this makes them prompt and quick with their decision making power. Visiting relatives and other family members should also be done as this enhances social circle and the values.
This has been a useful and splendid article that has taught and brought to me some of the great points which I discussed with my family and everyone agreed to them and decided to ponder over them.
“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”